Who We Are

About Us

Unemployment among the youth, women and people living with disability puts them at risk of poverty and crime which prevent them from fully participating in society. This takes a toll on their health and wellbeing, and poses a serious threat towards unequal socio-economic development.

At the Jonathan Jackson Foundation, we believe Kenya would be a better place if its vulnerable people are equipped with the right tools and resources to empower themselves economically.

Our priority is to elevate the lives of these special interest groups who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) to create sustainable and diverse income streams from a range of enterprises that they create and own.
“Our ultimate goal is to bring significant impact to communities in informal settlements
by developing sustainable income generating initiatives.”
Jonathan Jackson
Founder and Chair

Our Vision

Providing sustainable livelihoods for youth, and women in informal settlements in Kenya

Our Mission

Transforming the lives of youth and women in informal settlements by giving them a fishing rod and teaching them how to use it to put food on their table .

Our Story

After 30 years as founder and CEO of the successful property development venture Lordship Group, Jonathan Jackson desired to do more for others. He had a heart for the vulnerable and had explored different philanthropic opportunities across the world throughout his lifetime. Born and raised in Kenya, he had seen first-hand how hard the plight of poverty plagued underserved communities. This made him uncomfortable.

In 2010, Jonathan returned back home (Kenya) to replicate the successful property development business he practised in Central and Eastern Europe. In the course of establishing his business in Kenya, he could not help but notice the baffling number of youth who lacked the ability to earn a decent living. Jonathan was reminded of the walks he took as a teenager with his mother in Kibera, training women on weaving, beadwork and tailoring that provided dignified sources of income and improved livelihoods. These experiences influenced and now shape the work of the Foundation.

Jonathan decided to make the first move towards lasting transformation for youth. In early 2019, he founded the Jonathan Jackson Foundation (JJF) and acquired a community football club, the Nairobi City Stars (NCS). Using sports, events and aid drives as tools for positive change and economic empowerment, Jonathan and a lean team ventured into the communities within the informal settlements and began mobilising youths for training, reform and rehabilitation.

The core values of the Foundation stem from Jonathan’s commitment to making real change in Nairobi informal communities by empowering the youth in starting and managing businesses


Community Focus

We listen to the communities, recognise their potential and complement their strengths.


We recognise the unique needs of the communities we serve and strive for fairness and inclusion.


We serve as stewards of our community initiatives and honour the benevolent intentions of our donors.


We respect our communities and partners by upholding honesty and ethical standards in everything we do.

Creativity and Innovation

We seek out and embrace the most practical solutions to the issues facing the communities.

Respect for Humanity and Environment

We regard people with dignity and respect, and honour our heritage by acting with environmental consciousness.

Community Gallery
