CS Amina: Government committed to improve sports infrastructure
Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed says the government will continue to partner with the Jonathan Jackson Foundation as it bids to improve the state of sports infrastructure in the country. She made this commitment on Friday in a speech read on her behalf by Sports Kenya Director General Pius Metto, during an event at Holy Ghost Mission Primary School in …
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Bakee Mtaani goes mainstream in Gatina, Kawangware
As part of the Bakee Mtaani initiative, JJF built a basketball court in Gatina Primary School, Kawangware, in November 2020. The local community has since proactively owned and managed various activities that take place on the court, in cooperation with the school management. A project management committee was formed to coordinate the court activities and encourage the community to plug …
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Women leading and serving in the face of the pandemic
On this year’s International Women’s Day, we celebrated three ladies from the Vision Makers youth group that demonstrated leadership and economic resilience despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Patricia Wanjiru had just started her small business of selling milk from a bucket when in 2018 she first joined the Vision Makers group, a community-based organisation that JJF trained on scaling up economic …
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Differently-abled yet very able (The Story of Rogers Omoyo)
Rogers Omoyo heard about the Hairdressing & Beauty Skills training from friends in his neighbourhood and sought out to attend one. Being a person living with a disability, Rogers was not fortunate to find self-sustaining work so that he may no longer depend on his parents. He saw the training as a possible opportunity to learn a skill that could …
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